Afeem cultivation in Punjab

Samyukt Sangharsh Party

Bharatiya Kisan Union leader Gurnam Singh Chadhuni has formed the Samyukt Sangharsh Party. Mission 2022 is starting from Punjab. This was announced by holding a press conference in Chandigarh at 11 am. Chadhuni said that our aim is not to be rich.

Leader Gurnam Singh Chaduni said that if BJP wins elections in five states, BJP will bring back the bill. There is no such possibility. If she brings it back then the farmer is ready to fight. We have no alliance with anyone in Punjab. Ready to fight on 117 seats

Chaduni said that farmers, labourers and traders will have to unite. The youth in Punjab is troubled. Our youth is going to the same Britishers who had been expelled. There is no business and employment inside Punjab. Will make every possible effort that every person gets employment in Punjab.

Chaduni said that there is a need for major changes in agriculture. There may be demand for farming abroad. From production to consumption, the business will be with the farmer. Such cultivation will be done, which has demand abroad. If we start opium cultivation then Punjab can progress. Opium is not an intoxicant, it is also an income. Don’t take it as a laugh.