Saturday, April 20, 2024

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    Bigg Boss 16 Day 57 Updates: Tina Datta & Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia’s Friendship Hits Rock Bottom

    Show tops to a completely new level on Varieties’ ‘Bigg Boss 16’ as the drill for captaincy and selections unfurl in the sought after house. After being approached to pick the following chief, Rani of the house by ‘Bigg Boss ‘, Shiv Thakare issues the name of Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia.

    Immediately, tumult emits with Tina Datta fighting that she needs to be the commander and faults a couple of contenders for selling out her. Tina faces Nimrit saying that she agreed with her for captaincy and the last option admits that she can’t declare openly that she won’t play out any of the undertakings overall quite well.

    In the relatively recent past, the vast majority of the contenders of the Bigg Boss 16 house came to an agreement that birthday young lady Tina Datta will get her birthday present – captaincy. Shiv Thakare presents a shift in direction by choosing Nimrit as the following chief and he has no misgivings about focusing on the disloyalty Tina’s face. Incited as far as possible, Tina is irritated and resents Shiv calling her ‘dear’. With a demolished birthday, Tina is disturbed that nobody looks at up on her to find how she’s doing. Will Tina at any point get to satisfy her desire?

    After the intensity of captaincy, the feared selections task observers the Bigg Boss 16 house being transformed into a disaster area isolated into ‘Group of 4’ and ‘Group of 7’. The errand includes a turning wheel that concludes which colleague will name an individual from the contrary group. The predetermined part should select an individual from the contrary group by pointing a dart at their image on the dartboard and expressing their justification behind choosing them.

    The dashed (selected) part is to be quickly passed up a projectile. A progression of blasts occur in the disaster area of Bigg Boss ‘. It will be intriguing to see who is protected and assigned for the current week.


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