Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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    BJP Supporter in Chhattisgarh Offers Finger to Goddess Kali for Party’s Victory Lokshab 2024

    BJP Supporter in Chhattisgarh: In a startling and extreme act of devotion, a 30-year-old man from Balrampur in Chhattisgarh has made headlines by offering his finger to Goddess Kali. The incident occurred after the BJP-led NDA secured a majority in the Lok Sabha elections.

    The man, identified as Durgesh Pandey, a fervent supporter of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), was driven to desperation when early trends in the Lok Sabha polls showed the Congress party in the lead. Struggling with severe anxiety and depression over the potential outcome, Pandey decided to seek divine intervention.

    BJP Supporter in Chhattisgarh Offers Finger to Goddess Kali for Party’s Victory

    BJP Supporter in Chhattisgarh Offers Finger to Goddess Kali for Party’s Victory
    Durgesh Pandey offers his finger to Goddess Kali in a dramatic plea for BJP victory.

    On June 4, overwhelmed by his emotions, Pandey visited a local Kali temple. In a dramatic and painful act of faith, he chopped off one of his fingers and offered it to the deity, praying for the BJP’s triumph in the elections. His prayers were seemingly answered, and the BJP eventually emerged victorious, securing a significant majority.

    This extreme act has drawn both shock and concern from the community and mental health professionals. While some view Pandey’s act as a testament to his unwavering dedication, others emphasize the need for better mental health support and awareness, particularly during high-stress events such as elections.

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    Local authorities have since urged citizens to refrain from such drastic measures, advocating instead for healthier ways to manage stress and anxiety. The incident also highlights the deep political passions that elections can evoke in supporters of all parties.

    As the news of Pandey’s sacrifice spreads, it serves as a poignant reminder of the intense emotions and fervent beliefs that often accompany political processes in India.


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