Study found that being in a settled relationship increases the chances of weight gain


Maintaining a healthy weight is a concern for many individuals, and various factors can influence weight fluctuations. A recent study has shed light on an unexpected connection between being in a settled relationship and weight gain. In this article, we delve into the study’s findings and explore the possible reasons behind this phenomenon.

The Study:

According to a comprehensive study conducted by researchers, individuals in settled relationships are more likely to experience weight gain compared to their single counterparts. The study involved analyzing data from a diverse sample of participants over a significant period. Surprisingly, the results consistently showed that couples had a higher likelihood of gaining weight.

Factors at Play:

Several factors contribute to the weight gain observed in settled relationships. First and foremost is the comfort and contentment that comes with being in a stable partnership. Couples often find solace in indulging in shared meals, cozy nights in, and romantic dinners, leading to an increase in calorie consumption.

Another key factor is the influence of the partner’s habits. When two individuals live together, their dietary choices and activity levels tend to intertwine. If one partner has unhealthy eating habits or a sedentary lifestyle, it can influence the other partner’s behavior and contribute to weight gain.

Additionally, the decrease in time and energy available for personal fitness and self-care due to the demands of a settled relationship can also play a role. Priorities shift, and individuals may find it more challenging to prioritize exercise and healthy eating habits.


While being in a settled relationship brings numerous joys and benefits, it’s crucial to be mindful of its potential impact on weight gain. Couples can adopt strategies to maintain a healthy lifestyle together, such as engaging in physical activities as a pair, supporting each other in making healthier food choices, and finding a balance between personal and shared indulgences.

Understanding the connection between settled relationships and weight gain empowers individuals to make conscious choices to prioritize their health while enjoying the rewards of a fulfilling partnership. Remember, maintaining a healthy weight is a journey that can be navigated successfully with open communication, mutual support, and a shared commitment to well-being.


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