Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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    Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal Calls Emergency Meeting as Yamuna River Water Level Rises

    The increasing water level of the Yamuna River has led Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to convene an emergency meeting to assess the situation and ensure the safe evacuation of affected areas. In the meeting, he directed officials to provide all possible facilities at relief centers for the affected people.

    Chief Minister Kejriwal appealed to residents residing in low-lying areas to vacate their homes, emphasizing the need for their safety. Several relief centers have been set up across Delhi to accommodate those displaced by the rising water levels.

    The Yamuna River, which flows through the heart of the national capital, has been experiencing a significant surge in water levels due to heavy monsoon rains in the region. The situation has raised concerns about potential flooding and its impact on the surrounding areas.

    The emergency meeting, attended by top government officials and disaster management authorities, focused on formulating an effective evacuation plan and ensuring the availability of necessary resources at relief centers. The Chief Minister instructed officials to provide essential supplies, medical aid, and other facilities to those seeking shelter at the relief centers.

    The government is working tirelessly to address the situation and mitigate any potential risks posed by the rising water level of the Yamuna River. Residents are urged to stay updated with the latest advisories and cooperate with the authorities during this challenging time.


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